Saturday, August 8, 2009

Quickquotes writes...

During one of those meetings (brainstorming sessions, I would like to call them) that we ELS members huddle around for, there was a naissance (or rather a renaissance, because every single year, this idea keeps popping up in our heads, but it just wouldn’t materialize); the brainchild being the concept of a magazine/newspaper/someplace that can house our thoughts. All this happened about ten days back. We put our thinking caps on and began scribbling down whatever cropped up in our heads – short stories, reviews, articles and what not? Thoughts and e-mails were exchanged, sentences composed, words bombarded at anything clean and white, words slashed, characters conjured, pictures illustrated, colors splashed and everything was compressed into a 10 page long tabloid.

All this would not have been possible without a few people and I would like to thank them, for having nurtured the idea and for having nourished it. Our Principal Dr. R. Rudramoorthy, the Management and trustees of PSG College of Technology, our faculty advisors Mrs Chandrakanthi and Mrs Sasikalamani, the teaching staff of the English department and our dearest friends in ELS have been very encouraging and supportive during the process of compiling this tabloid.

If given an opportunity (and if I’m given space), I would write about every single individual in the editing team of the English Literary Society (ELS) and his/her contribution to this tabloid. But as I am typing this out under the watchful eyes of Ousepachn, who is responsible for formatting, I have to just mention the names of those who have bunked classes in order to ensure that we get this tabloid adorned and embellished. *drum rolls* Ousepachn, AKG, Hy Nitro, Adi G, Al, Ryan and Vasu (living beings) AND Ikru, Yoda and Orion (inanimate beings – our laptops), Thank you!

And this is the story of how What Else was born. What started off as a question has now become an answer. So.. What Else?


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