Saturday, September 19, 2009

Finding HappYness

How happy and successful is someone? The answer according to me is quite simple. The people whom he chooses to love and by whom he’s chosen to be loved decide how happy one is.

A sea of faces, billions of voices, an assortment of people - but only some make an impression; only some hearts touch us more than others; only some people form life-long bonds with us. They give us reasons to live, reasons to smile, reasons to dream, hope and cry.  Life is filled with such amazing people and equally amazing relationships. You find happiness when these things happen.
 -Calling a friend late into the night, chit-chatting for hours together and ending up feeling woozy the next day
-Receiving a text that says “Miss you”, when you feel low
-Going back to school/college and telling people about all the memories good and bad and breaking into peals of laughter, for the silliest of things
-Receiving a text from your best friend asking what’s wrong, when you are crying out all by yourself
-Getting wet in the rain with your loved one knowing you'd be down with fever the next day
-Going out with people, having truck-loads of ice cream, getting back home and still feeling that you have had a cup less.
- Hugging your mom really tight knowing no matter what, you’d still be her baby.
-Cutting classes for no reason and going out with classmates, doling out a million stupid excuses to the teacher.
-Fighting with your friend knowing it is pointless, calling him/her back and offering him/her an apology
Guess these little things really make life worth living.  Cherish the people around you and the relationships.
-the Joker


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