Saturday, September 19, 2009


Greetings mortals! It is my best luck to have a few of you poring over to read me, and I cannot thank you enough. Yeah right! Observing the usual formalities, I need to introduce you to my side of the world, given that I already know about yours. I belonged to the neo-urban, rock-with-bhakti fusion loving, having-an-opinion-about-everything-on-the-planet sect of the world population. I particularly loved the talking, opinionating, laughing, sharing, and eating part of your world.
Moving on, my parents first met each other at a company board meeting, they liked each other instantly and I was subsequently born. I spent most of my childhood at a semi-urban school, where I realized that I was smarter than the rest of them. I was, at one point, strapped down to one desk, and forced to socialize with human beings of my capability of understanding, but it was a futile attempt. I yearned travelling, learning how I could solve life. But I knew, they would never let me have my way. So, I decided to make a run for my freedom and finally managed to hop into a plane to India.
Now is when I expect to you to draw your breath and ask "And then what happened?" ………………..Sigh.. I am disappointed.

Anyhow, this country was a lot different from what I expected it to be. It was like seeing a whole new world, through a whole different kind of a kaleidoscope. Here, designs do not change, the colored glass does. You will understand what I really mean, later on maybe.
I am at present stationed at the service of this nineteen year old girl, going to this institution, in a city called Coimbatore, in the Southern part of the country. This kid is okay and she does not bother me so much. She loathes reality television as much as I do. So, I am still surviving. Only, the silly girl gave me a name and I could not say no. I guess I'd just have to live with it for the rest of my processing lifetime. She calls me Savvy. You can call me Computer Savvy (If you still haven’t understood that I am an inanimate being – a computer, you are requested to read this all over again) After all, not all computers get to see the world from a teenager’s point of view.

Ouch! I can feel my battery charge draining down, so before I get into one of my 'hibernate' states, I was asked to keep our introduction short and crisp. Tata, stay alive, eat smart, and read smart. See you sometime soon! 




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