Saturday, September 19, 2009

Litchi Garden (contd.)

In the previous issue… Chutki lived next to a litchi garden. She would just sit there and smile and she would dream. She would dream of land beyond and life away from the garden. Many of her friends at school had moved to the city. She heard so many stories one day wished that she could go there. She wanted to learn about science and economics and about the rest of the world and she sang about that all day long. 
One day, her mother rushed into the hut, with tears in her eyes. These were tears of joy. “Chutki! We are going to the city!” she cried enthusiastically.“The landlord’s son is moving there and he wants us to go in order to help him. Isn’t that wonderful? This is what we have been waiting for. Aren’t you happy Chutki?”
                  Tears fell down Chutki’s eyes forming rivulets as it marred her young cheeks. These were tears of sadness. “NO! I’m not coming”, she screamed and darted out of the house.
                  Her mom stood there, surprised. Chutki was always dreaming about life in the city and now she wondered what possibly could be the reason for the change of attitude.
                  Chutki ran to the garden and kept running till she could run no more. She knelt down on the soil, her tears now mixed with sweat. She herself could not understand what was pulling her back. Why would she ever leave this haven, her real home, where she had been happy for all this time? It was as if a spirit had seized her and was not letting go or maybe she just couldn’t apprehend a nostalgic feeling. But she was sure of one thing, that all her dreams would come true in the litchi garden.

-Hy Nitro


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